Mission Statement

To inculcate the principles of Reciprocity, Honor and Fidelity; to instill a reverence for Divinity; to preserve the legacy of our founding yeoman forefathers; to provide for the maintenance of the American Kulak Fraternity to perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization; to insure its members against domestic terrorism and other forms of maintained disorder; to cultivate good fellowship among and align the interests of American Kulaks and their communities.


In June of 2019 dissenting patriots from across Southern California began meeting to discuss cooperative & fraternal activities and on April 19th 2020 organized in Orange County as American Kulaks. AKF filed for incorporation on July 21st 2020.


The American Kulak Fraternity was founded “To promote and practice the three cardinal virtues of Reciprocity, Honor and Fidelity; to preserve the legacy of our founding yeoman forefathers; to insure members against maintained disorder; to cultivate good fellowship among American Kulaks.”


Membership is restricted to men of honorable conduct age 18 or over. To begin the membership processes reach out to the appropriate Timezone Lodge: